Learning to Calm the Mind

It is important as you prepare for your VBAC journey that you enter it with peace of mind and as free of fear as possible. Leading up to your baby’s birth, there is a lot of things you can do to raise your chances of a successful VBAC.

1- Reliable Childbirth Education Course: Having a basic understanding of the physiology of childbirth is important and will help you gain confidence in your body and your baby. There are many childbirth education classes and methods available if you need that understanding:

  • Hypnobirthing
  • Hypnobabies
  • The Bradley Method
  • Birthing from Within
  • Birth Boot Camp
  • Even a self-study or general childbirth prep class will help

Why is it important to take a childbirth class?

Taking a course results in more education, hands-on practice, and knowledge about the entire birth process. Helping you know what to expect from that first contraction to that final push will go a long way toward reducing your anxiety and preparing you for the incredible journey you’re about to go through, while also understanding the risks and benefits. It is important to make sure the class is compatible with your visions of an ideal birth.

What you will learn: Ways to help you relax, cope, pain relief options, various positions to try during labor (a doula can help keep these options fresh), knowing what’s normal and what isn’t, stages of labor, pushing options, etc.

2- Meditation/Calming the Mind: Meditation is healthy for anyone to do daily. Meditating stimulates the brain and allows it to organize itself, which then helps our thoughts be more rational and reduces the stress hormone, cortisol, which will then lower blood pressure and anxiety, as well as helps our mind and body relax. We should ALL meditate daily.

There are many ways to meditate. If you have taken a childbirth education class that works with scripts, you may want to meditate that way, or maybe you have a favorite medication podcast. There are also many apps you can easily download to your phone to listen to anytime you need them. Our favorite meditation apps include:

  • Calm
  • Stop, Breathe, & Think

3- Doula: Obviously we think doulas are pretty cool—a doula can help you prepare your mental state leading up to birth and can recognize triggers during labor. In your prenatal visits with your doula, they will work with you and your birthing partner(s) and learn how they can best help you through any fears and mental blocks. A doula will strive to learn how to help bring you back to a positive space for both you and your partner.

Why Can’t My Partner/Sister/Mom/Husband/Aunt Be My Doula?

We know your close family members are an incredible support, and they love you—a lot. You have been through thick and thin together and they know how to keep you grounded, calm, and centered. Having them in your birth space is important, and they should definitely be there with you.

What you also need, however, is someone who really knows birth. A person who can let you know what is normal or not, who can help guide you through the birth process and navigate the shifts in the room. Someone who is there with you all the time, who can, when you and your partner feel like everything is chaotic, assure you that it is normal or suggest something new for you to try. A doula will bring peace of mind to you and your partner by giving them time to use the bathroom, eat a sandwich, and tune into you 100%. Your doula is keeping her eye on the birth team and birth space to make sure that everything aligns with your birth preferences (as long as medically able, of course) so your partner/sister/mom/husband/aunt can only worry about you. When you start roaring the sounds of labor, a doula’s assuring smile and nod will help ground your partner and remind them that all is well.

A doula can also help determine what is medically needed and when it is safe to wait. They can help you understand other options that may be available when your nurse or provider is not able to take that time with you. Doulas know birth, and your family knows you; together they make a powerhouse team.

Find a VBAC Trained/Certified doula near you at thevbaclink.com/findadoula.

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