Baby Positioning

Optimal Fetal Position

Having a pelvis that is too small or a baby that is too big is very rare, despite many women being told so (we discuss this more in the next section). Ensuring your baby is in an optimal position before labor begins and throughout labor is the best way to help get a bigger baby through a smaller pelvis, promoting a faster and easier labor.

Miles Circuit preparation should start around 37 weeks of pregnancy and should be performed approximately 10 minutes per day, adding a few minutes each day until you can do it for the full 90 minutes.

There are three steps to the circuit. The circuit was created to be useful for getting babies well aligned before labor begins. It is ideal for a baby to be in a LOA (Left Occiput Anterior) position before labor begins, which will hopefully avoid posterior babies in labor. If labor is not progressing, the circuit may be suggested to try and help get that sweet baby in the right spot.

The positions in the next section would work if you are having any of the following symptoms:

  • Back labor or history of back labor
  • Labor is not progressing or has gone erratic
  • You are experiencing PROM (Premature Rupture of Membranes)

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